Exascale Earth System Models to anticipate changes in a Warmer World
WarmWorld will restructure the Earth-system modelling enterprise to best make use of advances in information technology to compute and evaluate kilometer-scale climate trajectories. By further developing an ICON based storm-and-eddy-resolving Earth-system (SR-ESM) model, WarmWorld will develop innovative workflows to make the information contained within the projected trajectories transparent to application communities. At the same time it will help harmonise national and international efforts to provide, disseminate, learn from, and use the highest possible quality of climate information.
General Assembly 2024
Registration for the WarmWorld General Assembly 2024 is now open!
ESiWACE3-WarmWorld Summer School on HPC for Climate and Weather Applications
An exciting opportunity for students and early career research to learn about HPC application in climate science.
REGISTRATION OPEN! – 4th km scale hackathon
Registration is now open for the km-scale hackathon co-organized by EERIE, WarmWorld and NextGEMS.
Open job positions
Together with DestinE, WarmWorld is now recruiting for THREE 2-year positions for Scientific Programmer. Find more information on the job offer on the MPI-M website.